OK, now I'm Chief Bean

The purpose of this blog is to write down some of the thoughts that are banging around in my head.

If the reason you visit is to learn my thoughts, you're in the right place. Even if you disagree with me that's O.K. healthy discussion is encouraged. Heck, you may be able to change my opinion (as long as you're open to me changing yours).

If you're here to look for scoop, drama, or just criticize me (or my department) you're in the wrong place. There are plenty of outlets on the internet for that

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fear the Uninformed but Influential

The other day I was riding home listening to the locally produced political radio talk show. The normal host was out that day and the show featured two local conservative politicians (one as has-been, the other and never-was). Both guest hosts had experience in the fire department. The has-been’s father was a paid and volunteer firefighter IN THE 1970’S, and the never-was served grits at the local Sunday breakfast. Therefore, they were both well versed in the ways of the fire service. They were speaking out against the spending of the local (not Howard) county regarding how officers made too much overtime. They discussed both administrative and field personnel should not get overtime because they were managers.

There is a clear line between management and supervision that they didn’t understand. Managers have the ability and authority to hire, fire, and discipline personnel. Having been through my share of each of these situations, I can assure you that I do not have that ability or authority.

Additionally, there are legal definitions that make clear distinctions between salaried and hourly wage personnel. Clearly they didn’t have any clue about these two key issues.

But then again most politicians look for the easy answer that supports their platform. They certainly don’t let the law or facts get in the way of them getting their point across.

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