OK, now I'm Chief Bean

The purpose of this blog is to write down some of the thoughts that are banging around in my head.

If the reason you visit is to learn my thoughts, you're in the right place. Even if you disagree with me that's O.K. healthy discussion is encouraged. Heck, you may be able to change my opinion (as long as you're open to me changing yours).

If you're here to look for scoop, drama, or just criticize me (or my department) you're in the wrong place. There are plenty of outlets on the internet for that

Friday, December 2, 2011

Span of Control: What do you know?

I hope to have some input by comments on this posting.

Most everyone of you have heard the term "Span of Control".

My question to you is:
1) What does it mean?
2)What number is your "Span"
3) Extra Credit: Where did this number come from?

I'll chime in if I get any reposts as comments. I'll give you a clue, the extra credit is a "Magical Number".

Stay safe, and don't do anything stupid!
Chief Bean


  1. As I recall, span of control refers to the number of personnel that a leader can effectively control. I believe that number is from three to seven, with five being optimal.

    My span? I'm not really a leader, so I'll go with zero! :)


  2. You're correct Doug, Span of Control is how many "chunks of information" you can keep on the front burner, as far as your brain is concerned.
